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%1$s from Someone
%1$s from %2$s
%1$s from Someone to %3$s
%1$s from %2$s to %3$s
From %s
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<a %1$s>Give a gift to another member!</a>
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<a %s>Give a Gift</a>
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To return the favor, <a %1$s>give a gift to %2$s!</a> or <a %3$s>another friend!</a>
At %1$s, someone gave you a <a %4$s>gift</a>…
At %1$s, someone gave you a <a %4$s>private gift</a>…
At %1$s, someone gave %3$s a <a %4$s>gift</a>…
At %1$s, someone gave %3$s a <a %4$s>private gift</a>…
At %1$s, <a %5$s>you</a> added a <a %4$s>gift</a> to your profile…
At %1$s, <a %5$s>you</a> gave %3$s a <a %4$s>gift</a>…
At %1$s, <a %5$s>you</a> gave %3$s a <a %4$s>private gift</a>…
At %1$s, %2$s gave you a <a %4$s>gift</a>…
At %1$s, %2$s gave you a <a %4$s>private gift</a>…
At %1$s, %2$s gave %3$s a <a %4$s>gift</a>…
At %1$s, %2$s gave %3$s a <a %4$s>private gift</a>…
At %1$s, %2$s added a <a %4$s>gift</a> to their profile…
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%s has given you a gift!
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%1$s received a gift from %2$s
%1$s gave a gift to %2$s
%1$s gave a gift to %2$s members
%1$s received a gift from someone
Someone gave a gift to %2$s
%s has a new gift
%s added a gift to their profile page
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Need more help? <a %s>Click here</a>.
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Announcing the Gift Store! Go to any member's profile and click the "Give a Gift" link to begin. You've got %s credits to get started!
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There are no gifts with the name "%1$s". Please try another gift name or <a %2$s>view all gifts</a>.

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