Language Editor: Россия (Российская Федерация)

Original Text – English (U.S.) Custom Text

Examples: Tabs, Members, Friends

Key: Missing Text Changed Text

Please enter an App ID
Please enter an App Secret
Almost done! After clicking "Save Changes" on Facebook, you'll see a new page that summarizes your new app. Copy and paste the "App ID" and "App Secret" into the fields below.
Copy and paste the "App ID" and "App Secret" into the fields below.
To let members sign in with Facebook, you need to create a Facebook App for your network first. It takes about 2 minutes to set up.
To let members sign up with Twitter, you need to create a Twitter app first. It takes about 2 minutes to set up.
Read our <a %1$s>step-by-step instructions</a>.
Create your Twitter App on <a %1$s>Twitter’s web site</a>.
Enter the ID, Secret and Key for your Facebook App:
Enter the Secret and Key for your new Twitter App below:
App ID
App Secret
Create App
Allow Members to Sign In with:
Login Manager
About Box
Join Box
If you disable Native Sign in, you may prevent existing members and administrators from signing in to the network.
You'll need to <a %1$s>connect your account</a> to a Social Sign In provider before you can turn off native sign in.
You are signed out. To use the uploader, please <a %1$s>sign in</a>.
You have received this email because you created a Ning Network.
Your New Social Website Is Ready!
Don’t display Featured Members or Content
Don’t display Network Creator or Admins

This text is for a header tab

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Posted by %1$s on %2$s
Added by %1$s on %2$s
This Leaderboard is empty.
Leaderboards display the top members and content on your Network. <a %1$s>Invite new members</a> and add more content to see Leaderboards for your Network.
Display leaderboards for the last: %1$s
Create custom rankings for your content and members.
Check at least 1 Leaderboard, or go to the <a %1$s>Tab Manager</a> and remove the tab.
%1$s posts
Please limit the Language Filter to %1$s characters
Language Filter
Enter words (separated by spaces) that you would like to filter on your Network. These words if found on a page will be replaced with (*) except the first character.
Enable Language Filtering
Use the <a %1$s>Content Archive</a> feature if you wish to export content (like Pages or Music) locked under the %2$s Plan, or upgrade to <a %3$s>%4$s</a> or <a %5$s>%6$s</a> to access more features.
Language Filter is a robust feature that allows you to manage what words get filtered on your Network pages. This allows you to choose what content is suitable to display on your Network and helps build brand safety for advertising. <a %1$s>Upgrade</a> to %2$s to unlock this feature.
Enable word boundary check
This option enables enhanced logic to filter a word only when it is a separate word and not a subset of another word on the page.
The time limit to post has expired. To post, refresh the page and click the button again. Copy your text first, to ensure your text is not lost.
You have exceeded the maximum number of posts allowed, and you cannot post any new content right now. Please try again in a few hours.
You have exceeded the maximum number of posts allowed, and you cannot post any new content right now. Please try again in a few hours.
%1$s joined %2$s
%1$s updated their profile photo
%1$s updated their <a %2$s>profile</a>
%1$s added the App %2$s
%1$s reviewed the App %2$s
%s was featured
%1$s is now a member of %2$s
%1$s posted a blog post
%1$s posted blog posts
%1$s posted a photo
%1$s posted photos
%1$s posted a discussion
%1$s posted a discussion reply
%1$s posted discussions
%1$s posted forum replies
%1$s posted an album
%1$s posted albums
%1$s posted videos
%1$s posted a video

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