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Our system prohibits the use of certain words in the network name, web address, description and tagline fields. Please try again.
Manage the Gift Store here by editing categories and gifts. You can also <a %1$s>add new gifts</a> to the Gift store from the <a %2$s>Ning Gift Catalog</a>.
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Manage Gifts
Manage the Gift Store by choosing which gifts are available, uploading custom gifts, and participating in revenue sharing. <a %1$s>Click here</a> for more information about managing the Gift Store.
Update the Gift Store
Manage gifts and categories in the Gift Store to make it perfect for your Ning Network.
Revenue (USD)
Total impressions is the maximum number of ads that could have been served by Ning Ads based on visits to your site. Delivered impressions is the number of ads that were served to visitors. Ads are delivered when the Ning Ads server is able to match a contextually relevant ad to the page. <a %1$s>Learn More</a>
Revenue earned from running Ning Ads is paid via PayPal to the email address entered in the <a %1$s>Tax and Payment information</a> page. Payments are held for the first 120 days and then made once per month when at least $10 has been earned. <a %2$s>Learn More</a>
Upload Custom Gifts
Get creative and upload your own original gifts to the Gift Store.
Add Ning Gifts
Choose additional gifts from the Ning Gift Catalog to add to the Gift Store.
Participate in revenue sharing and earn money with the Gift Store.
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This category is currently inactive in the Gift Store. To add gifts in this category to the Gift Store, please add the category to the Gift Store first.
This category is currently inactive. To edit the gifts in this category, please add the category to the Gift Store.
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Gift Image Help
Please select an accepted image type (PNG, GIF, or JPEG).
Please select a gift image that is under 10 KB. The image you selected is too large. <a %1$s>Click here</a> to get help creating a custom gift image.
Please select one of the price options shown.
Gift images will display at 64x64 pixels. Images must be under 10 KB in file size, and can be in PNG, GIF, or JPEG format.
Learn more about creating your own gift image <a %1$s>here</a>.
(Limit %1$s KB)
(Limit %1$s KB; images wider than %2$s pixels will be resized)
(Limit %1$s KB; images wider than %2$s pixels will be cropped)
The file you tried to upload for %1$s exceeded the %2$s KB limit.
Get creative and upload your own original gift to the Gift Store. Enter a name, quantity, price and image for your custom gift.
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%1$s (rare)
%1$s (average scarcity)
%1$s (common)
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Earn Revenue
Enter your information below to begin earning money with the Gift Store. <a %1$s>Click here</a> for more information about the revenue sharing program.
You are participating in the revenue sharing program. <a %1$s>Need help?</a>
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