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Review by May 14, 2009
1/5 star
Complicated, difficult to use - fills up acres of real estate on the front page. Not set up in a way so as to be simple for members to get involved in. I also had an issue with setting up a campaign. Set it up, it wouldn't allow me to edit it, then (though I did not deactivate) the module displayed the message that I had not created any campaigns. I re-created it and and was forced to deactivate it because it froze up. Not a positive experience.
Review by Sep 21, 2009
2/5 stars
I think it is just ok for general social networks but not for gaming social networks like
Review by Sep 22, 2009
3/5 stars
Sure its not much complicated for any other users of internet. Its simple but just that one needs to be sure of what he/she is doing
Review by Sep 29, 2009
1/5 star
Just installed it and uninstalled it. Seems unnecessarily complicated to set up and even vote on a petition you create. Extra spacing appears out of nowhere in the middle of words that you type in. The interface is clunky and not easy to follow.
Review by Apr 11, 2010
4/5 stars
muy bueno
Review by Jun 28, 2010
1/5 star
Added the application, then went to the tab to check it out and configure, but the app would not load properly...nothing showed! Rule of thumb: "If it doesn't load, don't even bother trying to fix it." Your network doesn't need the headaches from your members.
Review by Sep 15, 2010
1/5 star
Mischief of somebody The comment is not me.

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Created by Admin Oct 14, 2012 at 5:11pm. Last updated by Admin 4 hours ago.

Velkommen til brukermøter våren 2016

Treff gode kollegaer til en hyggelig fagdag. Meld deg på vårens brukermøter i Oslo (Gardermoen) og i Stockholm.Påmelding brukermøte

Created by Tove Wefald Pedersen Feb 22, 2016 at 1:33pm. Last updated by Tove Wefald Pedersen Feb 22, 2016.

Videre arbeid med DigitaltMuseum 4

Takk til alle som bidro på workshopen. For de som ikke hadde mulighet til å delta, ligger det mer informasjon om arbeidet med DigitaltMuseum4 på hjemmesidene våre,

Det er også mulig å melde seg på de neste workshopene for å være med å skape veien videre.

Created by Gunn Walmann, KulturIT Feb 5, 2016 at 11:19am. Last updated by Gunn Walmann, KulturIT Feb 5, 2016.


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